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Equality Policy Statement




1.1. Policy Statement
Blue Saffron Ltd. t/a Dangan Group is committed to creating an environment that promotes equality at work and to treating all of our employees, students, stakeholders and all other people involved in any aspect of the Institute equally, regardless of gender, civil status, family status, sexual orientation, religious belief, age, disability, race or membership of the Traveller community or socio-economic background.

Our culture is one that promotes equality, diversity and inclusion.
We promote excellence, encourage creativity and seek new ideas, through the development of a fulfilling and progressive work culture, that strengthens and promotes the above values to ensure that Our staff support and respect each other. Blue Saffron Ltd. t/a Dangan Group believes that embracing equality and inclusion in the workplace benefits not just the Company but also individual staff and our stakeholders. All our staff bring their own background, work style, distinct capabilities, experience and characteristics to their work.

As well as treating people with dignity and respect, the Company strives to create a supportive environment in which our staff can flourish and reach their full potential, regardless of differences, experience or education. Harnessing the wide range of perspectives this diversity brings promotes innovation and helps make us more creative and competitive.


1.2. Legislation
This policy is informed by the Employment Equality Acts 1998-2011(as amended) and the Equal Status Acts 2000-2012 (as amended) which prohibit direct and indirect discrimination, sexual harassment, harassment and victimisation in relation to nine specified equality grounds: gender, family status, civil status, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, ethnicity and membership of the Traveller community.

The Employment Equality Acts prohibit discrimination in employment, including recruitment, promotion, pay and other conditions of employment.
The Equal Status Acts prohibit discrimination in access to and provision of services.

The Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission Act 2014 requires that, in the performance of their functions, companies shall have regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, promote equality of opportunity and treatment and protect the human rights of staff.

This policy reflects the Company’s commitment to honour its obligations under these Acts.


1.3. Commitment
Blue Saffron Ltd. t/a Dangan Group is committed to fostering an inclusive culture, which promotes equality, values diversity and maintains a working and social environment in which the rights and dignity of all its staff are respected.

We will also ensure that our other policies and practices reflect our commitment to treating people fairly, promoting an integrated way of working and respecting the dignity of our community at all times.

Managers are expected to promote an integrated workplace and proactively eliminate any potential inequities that may run counter to the Company’s policy.

The organisation will not discriminate against any prospective employee during the recruitment process. Interviews will be carried out objectively and individuals will be judged on merit and their ability to do the job.

Blue Saffron Ltd. t/a Dangan Group is committed to non-discrimination (direct or indirect) in employment in relation to any of the nine specified equality grounds of gender, family status, civil status, sexual orientation, age, disability, religion, ethnicity and membership of the Traveller community.

It seeks to ensure that the provision of all services shall be free from any discrimination and harassment.


1.4. Appendix – Equality definitions
The principal of equality is enshrined in the Irish Constitution and in many international and EU treaties and declarations.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights sees equality as a fundamental principle in terms of a person’s human rights – ‘All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights’, Art. 1.
Key pieces of equality legislation in Ireland are the Employment Equality Acts 1998-2011 and Equal Status Acts 2000-2012.

The Employment Equality Acts 1998–2015 outlaw discrimination in a wide range of employment and employment-related areas.
These include recruitment and promotion; equal pay; working conditions; training or experience; dismissal and harassment including sexual harassment.

The legislation defines discrimination as treating one person in a less favourable way than another person.
The grounds for discrimination include:

Gender: this means man, woman or transgender
Civil status: includes single, married, separated, divorced, widowed people, civil partners and former civil partners
Family status: this refers to the parent of a person under 18 years or the resident primary carer or parent of a person with a disability
Sexual orientation: includes gay, lesbian, bisexual and heterosexual
Religion: means religious belief, background, outlook, or none
Age: this does not apply to a person aged under 16
Disability: includes people with physical, intellectual, learning, cognitive or emotional disabilities and a range of medical conditions
Race: includes race, skin colour, nationality, or ethnic origin
Membership of the Traveller community: people who are commonly called Travellers, who are identified both by Travellers and others as people with a shared history, culture, and traditions, identified historically as a nomadic way of life on the island of Ireland.

Discrimination is defined as less favourable treatment. An employee is said to be discriminated against if they are treated less favourably than another employee is treated, has been treated or would be treated, in a comparable situation on any of the above 9 grounds.
Discrimination can be direct or indirect.

To establish direct discrimination, a direct comparison must be made.
For example, in the case of disability discrimination the comparison must be between a person who has a disability and another person who has not. Or, between two people with different disabilities.

Indirect discrimination is when practices or policies do not appear to discriminate against one group more than another, but actually have a discriminatory impact.  Indirect discrimination can also happen where a requirement that may appear non- discriminatory adversely affects a particular group or class of people.


1.5. Conclusion
This policy outlines our zero-tolerance approach to discrimination in any form, and our commitment to comply with the relevant legislation about equality by fostering an inclusive and equal workplace culture.

Brian Whelan
Managing Director
July 2023